Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Insightful Quote

Strength and struggle go together. The supreme reward of struggle is strength. Life is a battle and the greatest joy is to overcome. The pursuit of easy things makes men weak. Do not equip yourselves with superior power and hope to escape the responsibility and work. It cannot be done. It is following the lines of least resistance that makes rivers and men crooked.
- Ralph Parlette

I read this as I was finishing preparing for my last actuarial exam. I was about out of steam and this was just the thing to keep me going.

So, what do you think? Can you become strong without struggle? Do you also like this quote?


  1. This is a great quote!
    We must go thru darkness, that we may enjoy the light. My last few years have given me more stuggles and challenges that I could have ever imagined I'd face when I was younger. But from them, I have gained more faith and been more blessed than I could have ever imagined either. I believe those struggles have brought me closer to joy than I've ever experienced. Prior to those struggles, it was more like coasting. I was content, but what for? It reminds me of a scripture I have written down at home...I'll have to find it and post a second comment. It ties right in with how I feel about the whole thing, awesome.

  2. Can you build your physical muscles without using them? If you don't use them then they atrophy. This is the same with our spiritual muscles.
